NMRtools has extensive experience in Open Access NMR operations and major product developments base on those practical experiences, discussions with users and year-long observations.


Some of the products are specifically designed to enable a safer, more efficient working environment in laboratories that work without a central operator.


Questions that inspire NMRtools product and accessory development especially for open access environments include e.g.


  • how to organize workflows to allow researchers rapid and simple access to routine spectra of nuclei
  • how to increase sample throughput, enable faster turnovers
  • how to protect the high-tech spectrometers from user handling mistakes
  • how to decrease mistakes resp. support best possible sample preparation


We hope that with our products NMRtools supports straightforward operations and good quality spectrum.

Do you have specific questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch

NMRtools SPinnerclamps®

Designed for a safer, more efficient and cost-effective NMR laboratory workspace